Category: Community

Tribute to Tim Jones

When I think of Tim, my heart is filled with immense gratitude. Tim’s legacy is already being seen in the outpouring of love and respect from people whose lives he touched with his generosity, skill, leadership and care. On behalf of the Knee Knacker community, our thoughts go out to...

Tim Jones

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Tim Jones. According to North Shore Rescue, Tim was returning from the team’s Seymour cabin when he suffered a medical emergency. Despite the efforts of many, he passed away tonight. We have lost a good friend. Our thoughts and...

Race Day Photos of 2013 Knee Knacker Volunteers

Here is our last set of Race Day Photos taken by the photog­ra­phy crew. It’s a photo collection of some of the 250+ Knee Knacker Volunteers as they: Donned mozzie hats to battle bugs throughout Cypress and Hollyburn; Provided Hawaiian atmosphere at Hyannis Aid Station along with Mr. Freezies; Dressed up in white dinner jacket and cowboy hat for Black...

More Race Day Photos from Richard So

Combining his tree and rock climbing skills with photography, Richard So’s Race Day Photos from Cypress Mountain answers the question, where was he standing when he took that photo?  Check out his Start line and Cypress Mountain photos here.

Race Day Photos from We Saw

Check out Race Day photos from: Dee Makepeace – Start and Finish Line here Ron Nicholl (18x Knee Knacker Finisher) – Awards Banquet here Karen Chow – Awards Banquet here Monique Simard – Skyline Aid Station here